About titanium
Elemental titanium is a metallic compound that is resistant to cold and naturally rich in properties. Its strength and durability make it quite versatile. It has an atomic number of 22 on the periodic table. titanium is the ninth most abundant element on earth. It is almost always found in rocks and sediments. It is usually found in minerals such as ilmenite, rutile, titanite and many iron ores.
Properties of titanium
Titanium is a hard, shiny, strong metal. In its natural state it is a solid. It is as strong as steel, but not as dense. Titanium can withstand extreme temperatures, is resistant to corrosion and blends well with bone. These desirable properties make titanium an ideal material for a variety of fields, including aerospace, defence and medical. Titanium melts at a temperature of 2,030 degrees Fahrenheit.
Uses of titanium
Titanium's strength, resistance to corrosion and extreme temperatures and its abundance of natural resources make it an ideal material for a variety of applications. It is often used as an alloy with other metals, such as iron and aluminium. From aircraft to laptops, from sunscreen to paint, titanium is used for everything.
The history of titanium
The earliest known existence of titanium dates back to 1791, where it was discovered by the Reverend William Gregor or Cornwall. Gregor found an alloy of titanium and iron in some black sand. He analysed it and subsequently reported it to the Royal Geological Society in Cornwall.
A few years later, in 1795, a German scientist named Martin Heinrich Klaproth discovered and analysed a red ore in Hungary. Klaproth realised that both his discovery and Gregor's contained the same unknown element. He then came up with the name titanium, which he named after the titan, the son of the goddess of the earth in Greek mythology.
Throughout the 19th century, small quantities of titanium were mined and produced. Armies around the world began to use titanium for defence purposes and for firearms.
Pure titanium metal as we know it today was first made in 1910 by M.A. Hunter, who melted titanium tetrachloride with sodium metal while working for General Electric.
In 1938, metallurgist William Kroll proposed a mass-production process for extracting titanium from its ore. This process is the reason why titanium became mainstream. the Kroll process is still used today to produce large quantities of titanium.
Titanium is a popular metal compound in manufacturing. Its strength, low density, durability and shiny appearance make it an ideal material for pipes, tubes, rods, wires and protective plating. At XINNUO Titanium, we focus on providing titanium materials for medical and military applications to meet any of your project needs. Our professional staff will provide you with more information about this amazing metal and how it can enhance your project. Contact us today!
Post time: Jul-18-2022